Cascades Benevolence Board

The Cascades Benevolence Board (CBB) provides funding to charitable organizations who serve under-resourced members of our community and individual financial assistance on a short-term interim basis after all other assistance from family, friends, savings, or investments has been explored.  With regard to individuals, assistance from the CBB is intended to be a one-time gift only.  We aim to partner with recipients and dispense benevolence in a way that preserves dignity and encourages long-term financial stability.


The CBB works in close partnership with the Family Community Resource Center (FCRC) Coordinators at our local schools who work closely with known families in their school community.  The FCRCs may refer families to the CBB for assistance which ensures proper relational supports exist to help people thrive and become more self supportive.  Individuals requesting assistance must also be willing to receive financial, family, or clinical counseling. Please note that the CBB is not geared to address chronic financial concerns or anyone who, in its estimation, will have negative or irresponsible behavior reinforced by financial help.  Those requesting assistance must also be willing to give the CBB permission to follow up on any of the information provided on the application which is provided below.  


Examples of possible CBB assistance include, but are not limited to the following: 


  1. Primary lodging (mortgage or rent not to exceed the greater of one month’s payment or $1,500)
  2. Utilities (electric, natural gas, water, sewer, trash)
  3. Medical services
  4. Transportation to or from a place of employment
  5. Vehicle repair
  6. Funeral expenses
  7. Initial evaluation and professional counseling appointments
  8. Other community needs as deemed appropriate by the CBB


Needs that may not be met by the CBB include, but are not limited to the following:


  1. Paying off credit cards. Exceptions can be made when an individual has had to use a credit card in a crisis or emergency (e.g., hospitalization, death, etc.)
  2. Legal fees and fines associated from criminal behavior
  3. Penalties relating to late payments or irresponsible actions
  4. Private school fees or tuition
  5. Business ventures or debts
  6. Gambling debts
  7. Security deposits
  8. Adoption assistance
  9. Vehicle payments
  10. Alimony/child maintenance payments
  11. Discretionary expenses
  12. Insured losses
  13. Projected and future needs


Cascades Benevolence Board Application

Community Grant Application